The scanning speed is slower than Unix because there are deficiencies in windows networking API. Nmap supports the Ethernet interface for raw packets scan. It is popular because Windows users do not have a compiler and also maintain a guide for users who wants to run Nmap on Windows. Installation on Windowsīefore a Windows version was released the Nmap was a Unix-only tool and after release, it is the second most popular platform for Nmap. Nmap uses a scripting engine to identify the vulnerability information. Whereas, Nmap is not a full vulnerability scanner it is a reporting tool that is used to analyze the service response that is coming in packets and the reporting tool may help to identify vulnerabilities in the network. Nessus is one of the vulnerability scanners used to find malicious attacks. Nessus provides a lot of functionality in one tool, the hackers can run the very same tool and it is advantageous to know what the result is that they scan the system. Vulnerability scanning detects inability and by using the Nessus tool we can detect the weaknesses of a system which will help to protect our system and improve the effectiveness of the system. Vulnerability means identifying the weakness or inability of the system in the network. Finding vulnerability before hackers do anything is very important to keep our company data safe concerning network security.